

What happened in 1969? Leave a comment.


  1. Remember walking to class each day in the unofficial AKL uniform...Izod "Alligator Logo" Polo Shirt, Blue Jeans, Wing-tip Shoes with No Socks?

  2. Remember the six man room at the house with the ten man "shared" bathroom?

    1. John, only you can tell the real story about the infamous "Olga" bandaid! Pleas share it with us. Otherwise, someone else will have to recall the story and may be forced to embellish it a bit! Now, over 40 years later, it still makes me laugh when I think about you pulling the bandaid out of your mouthful of jello fruit salad!!

  3. How about those "Rod and Gun" Events? Tornado Watches? Building Homecoming Floats in the Budweiser Warehouse? Anyone up for a Whapituli hay ride? or maybe Carving an Ice Sculpture for Winter Carnival? With all these activities, how did we ever find time to study?

    1. John, although I missed the toga theme party, you are famous for nicely sitting and drinking your Wapatuli, and then standing up, and going to the ground (ala Rich Van Atta) immediately!

  4. We will need to hear the complete Dick Russell arrest story at the reunion!

  5. Did anyone ever beat Dick Russell at a "brick hang"?

    1. Not that I recall, but sooner or later somebody would have. My real claims to fame were being able to recite the Greek alphabet 3 times on a match, oscillating outward from the middle (mu, nu, lambda, omicron, kappa, pi, iota, rho, etc.) and, as a non-drinker, winning all the Coke-chugging contests I ever engaged in.

    2. We may need you to tutor Brian Novota on the subject!!!!

  6. Who put Vanderheiden's cat to sleep? LOL

  7. Which 2 actives got the owner drunked-up on Wapatuli, so that we could secure the place for the "Cowboys and Indians" theme party?

    1. I think this was the wapituli that was held up near Augusta, Graf's twin sisters came & were swinging from the rafters. We later saw their coats drifting down the river, we thought they drowned, thankfully, they were fine, just a little wapituled!

  8. We had the greatest snow sculpture in history. Then, got robbed in the judging! Maybe they found too many empty beer and wine bottles protruding from the sculpture?

  9. Juan gave the greatest hog call to my parents via telephone, then "gaked" (sic) accordingly!

  10. I believe this was the year I was Treasurer, I learned from the best, Bob Mikunda. Bob told me there was only one word I needed to know, that word was No! He said the guys would think we had a bunch of money & would want to spend it on beer. Bob had a voucher system set up, it was great, there were actually two budgets , a house budget & a chapter budget. I think between the two about a $25,000/yr budget. That was a lot of money back then & I was 20 years old, great experience. This was also the year Ken Lipske was President, we had a dance over at Davies Center, we had brought in a group called Pepper Fog, they were really good. We made $128, Lip & I came back to 101 Summit & bounced off the walla of our rooms!

  11. Ok, who remembers who was assigned to each room the first year in the house? I was in the 3rd floor northeast room with Art Shilts and Lanny Hanson was my bunkmate. Unfortunately, both are now in Omega Chapter. Can't recall right now who was the 4th guy. For a time, because he wanted the experience of living in the fraternity house, Dick Russell lived in our closet!!! Not sure how comfortable it was when it got cold, as the attic wasn't insulated!!! Charlie Korger lived in the closet at the top of the stairs on the 3rd floor. Another "rustic" decor room, but apparently he liked it.

  12. My first room mates in the house were Joe Ferrara & John Resudik, third floor. You could crawl out one of the windows of our room & get up on the roof. We came back one time & found a molt cricket on John's bed. I used to carry on conversations with Joe Ferrara in his sleep, it was great!

    1. Ok, so what room were you in on 3rd floor? I remember you were in the room at the top of the stairs on second floor. Was that in 1969-70? Who were your roommates?

    2. I was in the room at the end on 3rd floor. Yes, I was in that room in 1969-70 with Tom Tupper & Dan Oliver. I was also in that room in 1970-71 with Dave Landgraf.

  13. Dave Bong, Mike Mullen, Joe Ferrara, Neil Browning, myself, and John Peil in our room on the 2nd floor, I think, during the first year, 1968. We were a little loud (OK, a lot) for Bong, of course! Mikunda, Loney, Muchow, maybe Mitchell next door? Who stole or threw away my Alan Bown (atom bomb) LP?

  14. What is "dreaded Novota's disease"?
